7 Building Blocks to Great Oral Health After Dental Hygiene Courses

As a professional in the dental hygiene field, it is vital that you not only pass your knowledge and experience on to your clients, but that you also live as an example of the profession. Superior oral health will set your clienta��s mind at ease, boost your own confidence and performance, and serve as free advertising! But deciding what to eat while on a break or on the way to work can be spontaneous. Sometimes the best foods dona��t seem enticing enough when you are already hungry; the comfort of a bag of potato chips and a can of soda seem like the greatest hard-earned treat in the world. But with a little forethought, anyone can avoid junk food binges and maintain a healthy mouth and body. Here are 7 cheap and cheerful building blocks that also do amazing things for your oral health. Combine these to create low fat, healthy meals and snacks.

Drinks: The key to a healthy beverage is to avoid sugar. Soft drinks are the poster child of bad drinking habits. If you must indulge however, avoid prolonged sipping as this keeps your teeth exposed to tooth decaying acid for a longer period of time.

1. Green Tea – Ita��s delicious, inexpensive, and very simple. Green tea contains natural antioxidant compounds that fight plaque and promote good breath.

2. Water – The original beverage. Most water is also fluoridated which the National Dental Association of Canada endorses as a preventer of tooth decay.

3. Milk – It contains calcium, which strengthens both teeth and bones and it is low in sugar and acidity, which can cause tooth erosion and decay.

Foods: Seek out fibrous vegetables as they increase saliva production, which is your moutha��s number one natural protective force.

1. Vegetables – have various vitamins and minerals that are great for your body and oral health specifically. Celery and carrots are easy to snack on and great at passively cleaning your teeth. Seek vegetables with vitamin A to help build enamel. Raw vegetables and fruit will also massage your gums.

2. Cheese/Yogurt – Again, dairy products provide calcium and phosphate, balancing the pH level of your mouth, and killing bacteria in the process. They also taste great!

3. Protein – Eggs and meat provide calcium, phosphate, vitamin D, and many other vital substances. Lean meat seasoned with care and egg whites provide even healthier low fat options.

A�4. Sesame Seed – Although soft bread can get stuck in your teeth, choosing whole grain option with sesame seeds is a very healthy choice. Not only are sesame seeds delicious, but they provide calcium and dissolve plaque.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure healthier, tooth strengthening meals that will not only provide you with better overall health but you will definitely have A�more energy too!

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