Bye, Bye Winter Blues!

A New Year Has Begun and…so have the Winter Blues!

The winter blues is something most of us experience at some point in our lives. Ita��s that feeling of unhappiness or depression that is usually associated with the cold and darkness of winter.
Experts have provided us with many options in managing this nasty visitor:

1. Set a regular schedule
2. Exercise
3. Engage in activities
4. Set a goal for yourself
5. Allow yourself the occasional lapse!

What does it all mean? Listen to your body and aim for a regular schedule that works for you, keeping in mind that you have to stick to it! Exercise even if it means just parking farther away and walking to your destination. Do not set an exercise routine thata��s unrealistic -you will feel like you let yourself down when you cana��t achieve the goals or maintain the schedule. Socialize, join a group, and spend time with family and friends. Set goals. The actual goal itself is not really important -what matters is that the goal focuses your attention and is meaningful when you achieve it! Sometimes you will falter; it happens-we are not perfect. What you need to do now is not give up- no excuses, just start again.

Many students who enroll in educational programs during January, February, and March find that without realizing it they have provided themselves with a way to bypass the winter blues, without even realizing it at the time! A timetable structure is in place to begin classes and that puts daily life into a routine; students usually walk to the bus or from their car to classes so the exercise component is beginning; students are engaging in activities from the first day of class and the bonus is that they are meeting other new students and therefore, socializing.

Going back to school, regardless of age is never easy and there will be days when you feel overwhelmed with schoolwork and home life. Always keep in mind however,that by beginning a new challenge you are not only on your way to a better quality of life, but you are also chasing away the “winter blues”!

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