Clients may think that once the actual removal of the hard or soft deposit has been completed, this concludes the process of care.A� This is not the case. The final stage of the Process of Care is the Evaluation Phase; a stage that is just as important as all of the rest, though sometimes the most difficult appointment to convince a client to attend.
An evaluation can be ongoing or after a specific period of time.A� An example of an ongoing evaluation can be conducted during a treatment plan where multiple appointments are required for the removal of hard deposit.A� At each new appointment, until the debridement is completed, tissue response to the treatment can be noted.A� Or, if there is a lesion identified in the oral cavity, it can be measured and compared to at future visits for changed in size, texture, colour, and such.A� Evaluations are expected following the dispensing of home whitening systems to clients after approximately 2 weeks to recognize changes in the colour of the dentition.A� Lastly, evaluation appointments are important following the complete debridement of a mouth of a periodontally involved individual at the 4-6 week mark.A� It is at this 4-6 week mark following the completion of debridement that another full mouth probing is taken and compared to the initial baseline reading.A�A� Also, tissue is checked for changes in colour, as well as the presence of bleeding.
The findings during an evaluation phase assist the operator to plan for future recare appointments, based on the needs of the client.A� It is during the evaluation phase of the treatment that goals are deemed to have been met, not met or partially met; again, an important part of the planning of future appointments.