Great Faculty, Great Graduates!

Recently, I read an article in Faculty Focus entitled a�?Students Place a Premium on Faculty Who Show They Carea�? by Maryellen Weimer that outlined students want faculty members that demonstrate caring; more specifically, they want faculty members that value their input, are available for consultation, and develop a connection not only with the class but with the students as individuals. This is definitely evident at CADH, and in fact, our mission statement clearly identifies students as the a�?focusa�? of our learning environment. CADH faculty take not only an active role, but also a proactive role in student learning. Faculty are available to meet with students during their office hours or by making an appointment. Furthermore, faculty follow up with students that have missed classes or are struggling in an effort to provide guidance. This ensures students do not fall behind in their courses.

The faculty work diligently on a daily basis to connect with student, assess their learning styles, and provide them with the type of learning that will meet their needs. For instance, faculty teach using simulation, role play, lectures, group work, authentic learning, and case-based learning. Furthermore, students engage in collaborative and reflective learning, both of which strengthen their ability to effectively communicate, engage in the learning process, and self-assess. With these diverse teaching strategies, CADH is committed to producing graduates who have strong theoretical foundation, critical and analytical skills, as well as clinical skills.


Weimer, Maryellen. Students Place a Premium on Faculty Who Show They Care. Faculty Focus [internet]. January 13, 2013. Available at:

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