No wonder the dental hygiene community is fearful of this spooky time of year! Candy, as we all know, is detrimental to oral health but according to Maureen Howes at Aspen Dental Management Clinic,”No one is saying not to enjoy Halloween or hand out candy,but there are some more tooth-friendly candies out there. For example, chocolate is a better choice than sour, sticky gummy candy.a�? This knowledge is universal in oral health care but below are some more “tricks” to keeping your oral health in optimum shape through the “spooky holiday”
- Dona��t continuously snack on Halloween candy. Eat whatever candy you want and then brush your teeth, rinse out your mouth and be done with it. Picking at candy allows the sugar to sit on your teeth all day and could result in cavities.
- Moderation is key. Kids (and adults) can be tempted to enjoy all of their candy at once, but simply sorting out the candy and allowing them to eat one or two each day can help avoid candy-related dental hygiene issues and it will make the candy last a lot longer.
- Try to avoid sticky candy. Sticky candy gets stuck on and in between your teeth and the stickiness allows sugar to sit on your teeth long after youa��ve eaten the candy. Go for chocolate candies instead.Great advice from the experts who know!
Happy Halloween everyone!