In Dental Training? Discover Oral Hygiene and the Brain

Very interesting and important news!

As taken from a posting by the Oral Health Group on August 1, 2013, a�?Poor dental health may lead to Alzheimera��sa�?:
a�?People with poor oral hygiene or gum disease may be at a greater risk of developing Alzheimera��s disease, a new study led by The University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) School of Medicine and Dentistry suggests.a�?

a�?The research examined brain samples donated by ten patients without dementia and ten patients suffering from dementia. The research demonstrated the presence of products from Porphyromonas gingivalis in brains from patients suffering from dementia. This bacterium is commonly associated with chronic periodontal (gum) disease. These bacteria enter the bloodstream through daily activities such as eating, chewing, tooth brushing but especially following invasive dental treatment, and from there, potentially enter the brain on a regular basis. The researchers propose that every time they reach the brain, the bacteria may trigger immune system responses by already primed brains cells, causing them to release more chemicals that kill neurons. This could be one mechanism that leads to changes in the brain, which is typical of Alzheimera��s disease, and could be responsible for causing symptoms such as confusion and deteriorating memory.a�?

Dr. Sim K. Singhrao, Senior Research Fellow at UCLan said: a�?We are working on the theory that when the brain is repeatedly exposed to bacteria and/or their debris from our gums, subsequent immune responses may lead to nerve cell death and possibly memory loss. Thus, continued visits to dental hygiene professionals throughout onea��s life may be more important than currently envisaged with inferences for health outside of the mouth only.a�?

Obviously, seeing your dental hygienist regularly to have your teeth cleaned not only helps your mouth, it can also help your braina��a��food for thought!!!


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