Essential Tech Tools to Support Dental Hygiene Students in Their Education

As an administrator, but also teacher at heart, I am constantly looking at how to improve the teaching and learning process for our students. It is my firm belief that institutions embrace the new methodologies of teaching and learning, particularly the use of technologies in the classroom, as long as they are viable and in line with the mission of the institution.

I often scour the internet to identify and learn what new technologies are available both for our instructors and our students. AThere is an vast amount of information, software, apps, and gadgets that are available for education. Here are some of my favourites:

  1. ScreenChomp which is an app for the ipad. This app is a whiteboard that you can download backgrounds onto, write using various coloured markers, erase any errors, record the audio, and then share using or facebook.A The best part, it is free.


  1. Camtasia Studio and Camtasia Relay are exciting new technologies that can be used by teachers to enhance learning. The concept, a?flipped classrooma?, means that lectures are recorded and students are expected to review them on their own time at home and when in class, under direction of their teacher, they interact with the content (Forbes, 2012). This encourages collaborative learning.A With this software, teachers can capture their lectures (Camtasia Relay) or prepare an edited video of their lectures (Camtasia Studio) and post for viewing.A There is a cost associated with this softwareA but moderately priced and there is educational pricing.


  1. Socrative is a app that can be used with tablets, smart phones, and laptops. It is a student response system that teachers can use to engage students. Students can be polled during the class to elicit responses on multiple choice, true and false, and short answer questions. The information is represented in a visual format such as a chart. And it is free.

Keep learning!


Faculty Focus. AApp of the Week. Available at:

Forbes.A What is the Flipped Classroom Model and Why is it Amazing? (With Infographic). Available at: AAAA

TeachThought .A 15 Examples of New Technology In Education. Available at: technology/15-examples-of-new-technology/

TechSmith Corporation. Available at:



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