The Role of Technology in Modern Professional Education

Technology is being used more and more in the educational arena. There are a large number of apps available for educators to deliver content and learners to understand and retain concepts. According to Yearwood (2013), educators should use technology to enhance learning so that it adds value to the teaching and learning process, not reiterate what you have already conveyed using other formats. So, educators should use technology to aid the students that need alternative learning methodologies, additional examples before they understand concepts, and reinforce the learning. To meet these objectives, educators can develop podcasts, video demonstrations, as well as online assessments with instantaneous feedback.
As educators, some of the key elements of developing these adjuncts to our teaching is that they be related to only one to two topic areas and not be too lengthy. According to John Medina, we retain more information when it is seen and heard more frequently (as cited in Yearwood, 2013). As a result, educators that develop these types of adjuncts to their teaching may have more student success in their courses. Technology has improved significantly in the devices we use daily such as phones and computers, making it easier for educators to incorporate technology into their courses.

Yearwood, D. App Review: Voice Record Pro. Faculty Focus. [internet]. September 27, 2013.

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