Health insurance is the focal point of many discussions today, but very few talk about insurance outside of medical needs. Medical, dental, and vision insurance all vary and it is vital to have all three of them. While insurance in Canada is not required, not being able to afford dental work and having dental problems can lead to continued health problems.
There are several insurance companies that provide dental insurance so you need to do your research before purchasing. Great West life is only one of several low cost insurance plans available. Blue Cross is another option which provides you with dental, medical and vision benefits. Without insurance, having dental procedures done can be expensive. However, without dental cleanings performed, you can become sick with bacteria growing in your gums and traveling in your bloodstream.
Most employers offer dental insurance, so it is only a problem for those who are paying for their own insurance. While not suggested, dental schools also offer a lower priced location to have teeth cleaned; this is a wonderful option as not only are you having your teeth cleaned at a fraction of the price, you are providing the students with a learning opportunity! Call CADH at 905-278-2794 or visit our website at and book an appointment in our clinic!
The best option for healthy teeth and gums, as well as maintaining optimal health is to have dental insurance. It saves you in the long run and most employers carry the option. Do your research first, and then contact an agent. Above all else, do not neglect your daily care of your teeth with brushing twice a day, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash.
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