Helpful Tools for Employees and Students working from Home

The world as we knew it has taken a “back seat” to the COVID-19 outbreak. ” Social distancing” is the new normal as is, in most cases these days, working from home. With all the distractions – children, the television etc., working from home, although convenient and very necessary at this time, definitely presents some challenges for employees and students alike. Below are some helpful hints from Joshua Zerkel at Asana to help maintain your composure and boost your productivity!

  1. Wake up early:

Research has shown that morning people may be more productive as waking up early gives them more time to prepare for the day

  1. Set up a Dedicated Workspace:

    It’s important to set yourself up in a place where you are comfortable and can focus. Try to also remove yourself from distractions. Setting      workspace boundaries is also important.
  1. Keep Plants around:

Research has shown that working near plants can increase productivity by 15% as well as help to increase concentration.

  1. Get Dressed:

Research suggests that people feel more authoritative, trustworthy and competent when wearing business attire-resist the temptation to “go to work” in your pyjamas!

  1. Meal plan for the Week:

    According to lifestyle coach Katie Boyd, planning meals including where you are eating and at what time, discourages endless snacking.

  1. Make a list of Clear Objectives:

According to Zerkel, working from home requires a different skills set to stay organized. Set weekly goals and a list of day-to day tasks to stay focused and productive. Apps like Asana and Evernote are great tools to do just that!

  1. Keep in touch with Friends and Colleagues!

Socialization is so important, so if we can’t be in the same physical space for now, video conferencing and phone calls helps us to remain connected

  1. Be Flexible:

Working from home isn’t easy and if children are interrupting you, set up a desk or a table with specific craft projects and maybe relax a bit on the screen-time rules…for now!

  1. Keep Hydrated:

According to research, a 1 or 2 percent loss in water negatively affects cognitive performance. Do your best to drink at least two litres of water per day.

  1. Get some Fresh Air:

Experts say that taking regular breaks (15 minutes for every 75-90 minutes of working time) and walking outside has significant mental and physiological health benefits-boosts your productivity too

  1. Reach for Healthier Snacks:

Try to avoid the sweets by having healthier snacks on hand -ones having a mixture of protein, fibre, water and mono saturated fat keep you fuller for longer

  1. Be Kind to Yourself, Your Classmates and Your Colleagues:

Productivity will undoubtedly decrease while working from home, but its important to be flexible and adaptable-be good to yourself and your colleagues-kindness and humor go a long way to helping everyone feel like we’re in this together!

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