Dental School Students Make an Impact with Operation Shoebox

dental hygieneIn an effort to help our community, for the second year in a row, the faculty, staff and students of CADH launched wholeheartedly into a�?Operation Shoebox modea�? beginning in early November, 2014 and what an a�?operationa�? it was!!

Weeks of collecting everything from mittens to socks to toiletries to chocolates culminated in the accumulation of enough lovely little things to fill 59 beautifully wrapped shoe boxes for Mississauga area womena��s shelters!A� A�Our donation was heart-warming to say the least and when the shoe boxes were picked up by the organizers of the Mississauga chapter, we all felt an amazing sense of pride at what we were able to give back to our immediate community- Way to go CADH!

The Mississauga Shoebox drive is an initiative that has received significant attention in the last few years with the growth of womena��s shelters not only in Mississauga area, but also in the surrounding GTA.A� a�?Operation Shoeboxa�? is such an important initiative.A� It fills such a special place in many womena��s hearts in what can be a very lonely holiday season for women in need.

Businesses like CADH (and individuals as well), take on the task of wrapping shoeboxes in Christmas holiday paper and filling them with items that they feel women would need and items that they would not go out and buy themselves due to financial restrictions.A� Through the collection of many lovely things, including beautifully wrapped shoe boxes over the month of November, CADH was able to give a substantial number of women something to open Christmas morning!

A BIG thank you to all employees of CADH in making this holiday season so much brighter for those in need – THANK YOU!!

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