There are times when school can feel like an endless array of tests, assignments andA� deadlines, whether you areA�studying dental hygiene, dental assisting or any type of training for that matter. A�Ita��s no wonder that students often feel stressed out!A� Stress can take a toll on a persona��s overall well-being and the effects can be felt both physically and emotionally. Ita��s essential to find ways to manage and cope with day-to-day stress inducers in order to stay healthy and remain focused. The correlation between physical activity and reduced stress levels has been well-documented over the years. The benefits are significant.A� What about the food we consume? It is the fuel that drives and sustains us throughout the day. What we choose to put in our bodies will ultimately have an effect on our moods and mental well-being.A� Are you feeling the pressure lately? Try these great stress-reducing foods!
Asparagus a�� These greens are rich in folate.
Avocados a�� These tasty fruits contain vitamin E, beta-carotene and more folate than any other fruits. They also contain glutathione, which is an essential substance which prevents the absorption of unnecessary fats.
Blueberries- Antioxidants, lots of them! Blueberries are also rich in vitamin C.
Cashews- Cashews contain a significant amount of zinc. Low levels of this mineral have been connected to cases of depression and anxiety.
Chamomile Tea– This hot beverage is known for its calming affects and sleep promotion.
Chocolate a�� Yes, Chocolate! Chocolate is a source of antioxidants and dark chocolate can lower blood pressure.
Garlic – Garlic is known immune booster, which is useful when dealing with stress. Like manyh other super foods on this list, garlic is full of antioxidants.
Green Tea– Green tea contains brain enhancing amino acids like theanine.
Oatmeal- When complex carbohydrates such as oatmeal are processed in the body, the brain creates the a�?happy-feelinga�? chemical known as Serotonin.
Oranges a�� Oranges are packed with vitamin C! A�A�A�A�A�A�